Sunday, January 3, 2010

The New Year - 2010

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had an excellent New Years and Christmas. I took several days off work and spent them at home with my family. It was relaxing and great. I slept in every day, ran or worked out in the afternoons (or not at all), went shopping, went to dinner and movies, cleaned out old junk I haven't touched in ages, and just relaxed and hung out! It was wonderful, and was a great way to end 2009 and bring in 2010.

After so many days of relaxation and rest I felt ready to take on 2010 with new energy and motivation!! So, instead of making Resolultions, I began an actual plan. I figured that since actions speak louder than words I would actually start something new instead of just talking about what new things I wanted to start.

The first part was to cut out sugary and diet sodas, and I began this right after Christmas. I've done this several times before, but had always caved in after about 5-10 days. The next step, after New Years, was to start on a healthier eating plan - healthy, natural foods with as limited processed foods as possible.

I've already got a pretty good handle on my exercising, so the only thing I need to do there is set some goals to give me some things to work towards. My first two fitness goals are the ING Georgia Half Marathon in March, and the Warrior Dash in May. I know that I need some additional goals, so am still on the lookout for things that are new and challenging - like the Warrior Dash.

This year I don't want to just test my physical limits, I want to grow emotionally as well. The Warrior Dash is part of that because it has obstacles that scare me - like repelling, swimming under logs, and jumping across floating platforms. It will force me to face my fears of hieghts and water, yet it will incllude aspects I love like running and competing wtih friends.

I want 2010 to be a year of expansion and growth. I want to push beyond my comfort zone, try new things, do what makes me uncomfortable, and succeed in ways I never thought possible! This way I can expect 2010 to be one of my best years yet!

What do your plans for 2010 look like? Will you stay comfortable, or will you reach for new heights? Will you just "make" Resolutions, or will you actually implement and begin a new plan? What kind of year will 2010 be for you?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Learning to Chill Out

So I've been taking the "no pressure" approach to my workouts all week long, and it is surprising what it has done for my attitude already. I'm certainly not being lazy about my workouts - I'm even pushing myself pretty hard. But, I'm enjoying it. I'm going in to the gym with an attitude of "fun" and I'm not looking at previous times/reps/weights. I'm doing what feels "good" and I'm trying not to worry about the rest.

Granted, that is not super easy because my tendency is to want to constantly push myself to go, go, go!!! But the difference here is that I'm trying not to push myself to HAVE to do better than the last time. I'm going at it hard, and I'm working hard, but I'm not locking myself in to some self pre-determined "requirement" of what I think that I should or have to be doing.

Goals are a really great thing and I've always had them to help keep me going and focused. What I never really thought about or realized was the downside to fitness goals - when that's all you focus on and never stop to just ENJOY the fitness. For the last few years I've focused on marathon after marathon. 2 per year, with about 4 months of training for each one. I always had a couple of months in between training schedules to just run for fun. I've never really gone a whole year solid, non-stop pushing myself hard most days of the week.

With the running I would feel burned out at times, but then it was time for the Marathon and I'd get my couple of months of easy running. I haven't had those built in rest periods since I began CrossFit, and it hadn't really occured to me that I wasn't taking any real rest periods. Rest days are one thing and are totally necessary, so I was taking those. But, what I had forgotten was the rest periods....times of more relaxed pace working out...time to mentally chill and allow the body and mind to recharge.

I forgot how good it feels to just chill and stop loading myself with stress. I think that in another couple of weeks I'll set some new goals, and make plans for my next major goal, but then also makes plans for the "chill time" too. Maybe I'll try something like 3 months hard, 1 month easy. Obviously, not only does my body need those rest days each week, but my mind needs some rest too.

For now, I'm just going to keep enjoying this no pressure attitude and just have fun!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Realizations of Self

Two full months after the gym's Fitness/Diet Challenge, and I just snapped! Well, not terribly. But, I've spent the better part of 2 weeks eating a lot of junk food. At first I could excuse it saying it was PMS. But, PMS cravings don't last that long! (darn it)

I had the thought in the back of my head for weeks that I might be over-training. But, I kept squashing it because I didn't want to slow down. (I hate appearing weak - physically or mentally).

I was to the point where I kept hoping people wouldn't show up to the morning class so that I could go back home and sleep an extra hour. That wasn't working. But, I was taking every spare few minutes I had to get in extra sleep or a nap. I even started skipping runs, even though I was already only running 3 days a week! I argued it away (in my head) by saying that the program said only 2-3, so its okay to just do 2 a week! (whatever!)

Then a couple weeks ago I started finding myself having my cheat meal every 2 days!! It still didn't sink in that I was really burning out! So last week it was Wednesday morning and I had been arguing with myself since mid-day Tuesday about whether or not I wanted to take Wednesday or Thursday as a rest day. But, while getting the guys ready to do their WOD during the 6am class, the decision was made for me! I was getting out a 45 lb. barbell, and as I went to put it on the ground, it fell out of my hands and flat onto my bare foot!!! Rick told me to sit on the floor - there wasn't much choice because I was about to faint!

Luckily nothing was broken, but even so I was out of commission from even feeling up to working out for 4 days! I am still not back to running because it feels strange just while walking (as if bones are out of place). The interesting thing is that when you refuse to really take a REAL break, and then are forced to take several days off....many things become crystal clear.

Such as, how much you miss running with friends and not worrying about your pace or performance. How your stomach has been knotting up before going to the gym because you're worried about beating your last time/reps/weight. How tired you are and how much you are loving sleeping in! And how sad it is that it took smashing your foot to make you stop even though deep down you already knew you were getting burned out!!

The good thing is, I'm making some changes!!! I've decided that it isn't CrossFit or running or even fitness that I need the break from. It is the pressure that I place on myself that I need the break from. I still think CrossFit is the best thing since sliced bread, and deep down I still love running. But, what I don't want right now is a goal, a training program, or any pressure to compete. I want to just run because I feel like it, and I don't want to care how fast or far I go. I want to go do a CrossFit WOD and not care how many sets I do, or how fast I do it. I want to just go have FUN!!!!!

Some people might think "oh, that CrossFit is going to do that to you because it's just not good". It isn't the CrossFit that caused the problem - it was ME!!! I do this regularly - take on too much because I think I'm invincible and think that I should be able to carry heavy loads non-stop all the time. I don't like to admit defeat or weakness - EVER! I'll even get angry with my husband because I feel like I'm doing everything and he's not helping me, but I haven't even asked him for help. I just hoped he would see how much I'm doing and how tired I am, and then OFFER to help. How stupid is that?!

So, thank you to the foot and my clumsy self for giving me the break that I needed to realize that I need a break from my self-imposed strictness!!! My only goal for the next several weeks (or maybe months) is to ENJOY my fitness. I know it won't be easy to stop trying to break my PRs....but I'll know I'm ready to start breaking those CrossFit and Racing PRs when I'm looking forward to doing it rather than feeling queasy about it!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reviewing the Results

With hearing so many reports of BodPod results that have been disappointing, I keep thinking about what I might have done differently than everyone else. Two things stand out as possibilities - 1) I did 3 CrossFit Endurance Running WODs per week; 2) I ate A LOT and often, every 2-4 hours and included protein (and lots of it) at each of my snacks and meals.

I was rarely ever hungry and made sure that I ate really well in the hours leading up to my workouts, except in the mornings where I didn't eat before doing the CFE WODs. I did find that going in to the Challenge I ended up working out CF or CFE or both 21 days in a row and was feeling very overtrained, so I started giving myself my full day of rest at least one day a week.

I don't know how much of an impact the CFE WODs had for giving me the results that I had, but it is definitely something to consider. CFE WODs are similar to CF WODs in that they are short and intense.

Whatever the differences are, it is well worth digging to see what items can be tweaked for each person to see how they react. Each of us is different, and we each have to fine-tune food and workouts to find what works best for us.

Like I said before, it isn't all just about the body fat lost or weight lost. Every person was successful in that they learned something new about themselves....everyone improved WOD times, weights, reps, and sets. everyone challenged themselves by limiting their diets and pushing themselves harder than ever. That means more than a percentage.

Everyone, Know that you did succeed!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hugo Challenge Follow Up

So, the Challenge was absolutely a success for me. I dropped 6 lbs. - gaining nearly 2.5 lbs of muscle, and losing nearly 8.5 pounds of fat. This brought my overall body fat down from 20.4% to 14.4%. Far more than I ever imagined would happened. In fact, I thought I might have only lost 2 pounds if I was lucky, and had hoped for at least a 1-2% body fat loss. So, needless to say I am thrilled.

There are others in this Challenge who haven't had such big changes with weight or body fat. The common thread that I have seen in all of these where I've looked at their food journal has been a lack of protein with each snack and even with some meals. I've also seen that they may have even skipped meals or snacks.

The common school of thought holds that if you eat less food you will lose weight. Unfortunately this is a huge misconception. Especially when working out intensely like we do with CrossFit. The body needs protein to build and repair muscles. During a CrossFit (or any other intense workout) you break down muscles. The way to repair them is to take in protein immediately following your workout (preferably within 20 minutes), and also to take in protein all day long with each meal and snack (preferably 3 meals and 2 snacks).

Eating properly is often hard to do, and each person needs to find the right combination for them. This is all a process and all along the way there will be both success and "failures". But, a failure is NOT a failure if you learn something from it. When you feel as if you have failed, take a moment to wallow in your emotions, then snap out of it, review what you did, find out what went wrong, learn something from it, and try again!

There can be no failures when you take this attitude because without "failing" there would be no successes. And, I can tell you, I've had MANY "failures" along my road to this most recent success. I've made so many mistakes, tried so many different methods, pills, diets, and more. Yet, along the way I've learned so many things and have come so far. I'm grateful for it all because without those experiences I would not be where I am today.

Stay strong, stick with it, learn, and keep learning, and keep growing!! This is what it is all about!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 29 and tomorrow then the Paleo part of the Hugo Challenge is officially over. Its hard to believe this month has flown by so fast!! But, although it is pretty much the end of the Challenge, I am not done. I plan to continue eating Paleo most of the time. I'll make some small changes - like including a planned cheat meal and adding back my post-workout protein shake (I'm not super fond of sweet potatoes unless they have butter and marshmallows), and I'll really focus on eating more lean, healthy protein with every meal and snack. But, for the most part I want to keep eating this way as much as possible.

I learned some good things through this Challenge

1) I allow my busy life to be more of a priority than my health sometimes - too often.
2) I can't always do it all, and it really is okay to just take a break
3) Overtraining can happen before you know it if you don't pay attention to your body - so heed the warnings early on, or be smart upfront and PLAN in rest days - lighter loads are sometimes not really "rest"!
4) Eating healthy is really not all that hard.
5) It is surprising how "empty" calories quickly fill up an entire meal without you realizing it.
6) It is easier (and more effective) to keep eating healthier when you look at it as a lifestyle change rather than a temporary quick-fix, but it can also be easier to do somewhat gradually by eliminating major things one at a time.
7) It is definitely easier to make major lifestyle changes when you are surrounded by people who are doing the same things you are doing, or who are at least very supportive of your changes.

I can't wait to see what everyone's results are like! I've seen some pretty awesome stuff so far!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 27

OMG! It is seriously only 3 days to the end of this Challenge! WOW!!!!

This morning I wasn't at home for my wonderful breakfast, and I had to sit by while two people were eating the most tempting egg, cheese, ham croissants! OH DANG!!!!!

Oh well.....3 more days! I can wait 3 more days. Besides....I got a 4-pack going on and pretty soon that will be a six pack, and THAT is my reward for not having things like greasy, fattening Croissants!!!

Off to head in to the rest of my day!